发布日期:2025-01-22 14:43 点击次数:117
备受期待的“国产3A游戏之光”《黑神话:悟空》于8月20日正式上线发售,随即登顶微博热搜第一,上线一小时内steam 在线人数便已突破百万,成为Steam 史上在线人数最高单机游戏。在2024年8月6日至13日的周销量榜中,《黑神话:悟空》位列全球周销量冠军,并在美国、新加坡、泰国、加拿大、巴西、意大利等12个地区霸榜。这款游戏取材于中国人最耳熟能详的神话故事,从剧情到技能的满满元素暗含着中国人独特的情感联结,文化上的共情让《黑神话:悟空》收获了无数玩家的力挺。有人将《黑神话:悟空》之于中国游戏行业的意义,比作成“流浪地球之于中国科幻电影”,在一定程度上代表着中国本土开发商在全球舞台上具备的顶级游戏工业化水平。声量与流量接踵而至。据不完全统计,包括英伟达、海信、联想、滴滴青桔、瑞幸咖啡、京东等超10个品牌已宣布与《黑神话:悟空》开展品牌联动,取景地文旅为之沸腾,还带火了A股市场的一批概念股。《黑神话:悟空》的走红是否是偶然?刷屏背后带给我们哪些启示?近日,长江商学院李洋教授在中国日报的头版文章中分享了他的观察与思考。在李洋教授看来,《黑神话:悟空》的“破圈”是高品质制作水准和精品化内容的成功示范,也是产品主义的回归。中国游戏行业的出海之道在于如何使用国际化视野的语言讲好自己的故事,而《黑神话:悟空》的全球热捧,是中国文化创新与传播的一次成功案例,也是一个新的起点。李 洋长江商学院市场营销学副教授MBA项目负责人EMBA项目学术主任高层管理教育项目学术主任Q:《黑神话:悟空》游戏上线3日全平台销量就超过1000万套,作为中国本土自主研发的第一款三A游戏,您认为它的影响力有哪些?李洋:中国游戏产业虽然起步较晚,但用户基础庞大,近年来发展迅速,已成为全球最大游戏市场之一。《黑神话:悟空》成功实现了跨圈层的爆发传播,引发的现象级热潮和影响力远远外溢出了游戏行业,也点燃了有关游戏IP对国内消费和文化出海影响的宏大讨论。Q:《黑神话:悟空》的“破圈效应”给国产游戏产业生态带来哪些启示?李洋:这款游戏是高品质制作水准和精品化内容的成功示范,也是产品主义的回归。我们还是要坚持产品为核心的经营和营销思维,把产品做到极致,才能吸引和留住客户,抓住更多的市场机遇。首先《黑神话:悟空》的美术和视觉效果做得非常的好,非常细腻有质感,也成功融入了植根于中国艺术、富于东方韵味的元素和道具。此外,游戏中建筑、雕塑等生动逼真的场景,高度还原于多处著名历史古迹,游戏因古建筑的美大放异彩,静默的历史遗迹因游戏的热度而焕发新生,游戏的舆论“破圈”带动了地方文旅的“出圈”,虚拟与现实双向赋能,也为游戏行业和文旅产业的创新发展提供了新的思路。最后这款游戏的文化属性很强,成功激发了民族情绪的共鸣,也符合中国人对国家崛起和文化自信的期待。《黑神话:悟空》的全球热捧,是中国文化创新与传播的一次成功案例,但它不应成为终点,而是一个新的起点。Q: 为什么这款游戏可以成为全球“顶流”? 预示着哪些国产游戏出海的新趋势?李洋:作为国民经典IP,《西游记》借助“悟空”的海外跨界圈粉开启了跨文化传播的新篇章。这款游戏在全球范围内持续爆火,可能是中国文化对外输出的最有利的方向,也是通过独特的传统文化元素提升中国国际影响力的有效维度。这里主要有以下几方面原因:首先,载体从书籍变成了游戏,这是很不一样的。原著书籍无法再创作,但拍成电影或者做成游戏可以为经典作品改编与传播加分赋能。年轻一代是互联网和数字技术的原住民,随着数字化时代的到来,从某种意义上讲,文学名著制作成游戏比翻拍为电影更能推动全球性的、尤其是在国外年轻人中的传播。传统文化的“老”IP,现在有了全新的数字化的载体,而且是数字化时代最前沿的一种大媒体形式——游戏。第二,中国并非没有过全民热议并在海外造成影响的国民游戏,而中国国民级的游戏在海外、特别是英语世界的传播遇冷,可能与语言的门槛有关。《黑神话:悟空》的海外版本的翻译非常地道、亮眼,既传递了孙悟空桀骜不驯等各种语气,又完美诠释了原著的情感与价值观,这是特别厉害的。平铺直叙的翻译会使故事的吸引力大打折扣,这对我们的对外传播工作者也提出了更高要求。从游戏的翻译、美工设计乃至陕北说唱的细节质量都可以看出,制作方肯定请到了各个领域的高手来参与其中,这就是精品逻辑,做就做到极致。第三,近年中国游戏行业出海如此成功的重要原因,就是用国际化视野的语言来与海外用户交流。中国游戏出海的挑战在于如何在尊重原著的同时又能适应不同文化背景和审美习惯的观众,机遇在于如何利用跨文化创作的优势打造出一种独特的魅力和吸引力。《西游记》是中国的神话IP,与《指环王》等国际奇幻IP一样,也有主线、有悬念、有打怪、有核心人物、有峰回路转。《指环王》火遍全球的原因,就是更善于用别人听得懂的语言把自己的故事讲出来。以往我们习惯于用封闭的逻辑去传播《西游记》、《封神榜》,再加上翻译的门槛,别人听不懂自然不觉得精彩。现在《黑神话:悟空》把这些问题都解决了,它巧妙化用了传统文化元素、重新解读了经典,设定的神话背景、怪物、收集宝物和闯关情节是很朴实的,全世界都能理解的。虽然有些细节的确是有较强的文化属性,比如陕北说唱、壁画等等,但这款游戏妙就妙在它有很好的平衡,既有中国人才能看懂的西游记文化,也能引起没有看过西游记的人足够的兴趣。李洋教授观点刊登于2024年8月26日中国日报头版文章《Hit game boosts sales of related products》文章正文如下:Hit game boosts sales of related productsPersonal computers, Sony Play-Station 5 consoles and other derivative products are flying off the shelves in China, fueled by the overwhelming popularity of the newly launched Chinese-made video game Black Myth: Wukong.The action role-playing game, developed by Chinese company Game Science and inspired by the 16th century classic novel Journey to the West, caught the fancy of gamers even before its launch on Tuesday, triggering a buying spree for advanced gaming consoles.The sales of PS5 surged over 100 percent year-on-year between Aug 13 and Aug 19, according to Alibaba's e-commerce platform Tmall. During the same week, the sales of other electronic products such as laptops, keyboards and headphones for esports embraced robust year-on-year growth of over 80 percent, Tmall data showed.Manufacturers of electronic products such as Sony, Ipason, Razer and Logitech saw their sales increase rapidly after the game was launched, the platform said.Before Black Myth: Wukong hit the market, domestic coffee chain Luckin Coffee introduced an Americano variant inspired by the game, as well as free limited-edition 3D posters, cup holders and other accessories upon purchase of coffee combos.While the special Americano was sold out at many Luckin stores, the company ran out of the 3D posters nationwide within seconds of their launch, almost crashing its online system."The buying frenzy demonstrated by male Chinese customers, who form the bulk of the country's video game consumer base, changed our perception about their purchasing power," said Yang Fei, chief growth officer of Luckin Coffee.Black Myth: Wukong, which allows players to step into the shoes of one of the heroes of the novel, Sun Wukong, also known as the Monkey King, and navigate his epic adventures westward, sold more than 10 million copies globally within three days of its launch.It became one of the fastest-selling video games of all time, according to VG Insights, a market research platform for video games.Hailed as China's first Triple-A masterpiece, Black Myth: Wukong boasts excellent visual effects and could serve as a model for other Chinese video games aspiring to keep players across the world glued to their seats, industry experts said."The Chinese novel Journey to the West has been widely adapted overseas, and the image of Wukong has been popular for a long time. The game has combined both Chinese and international elements, thereby easily attracting wide global attention," said Li Yang, an associate professor of marketing at the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business."Compared with Chinese books, video games boast a higher market penetration rate among young foreign consumers. The game's premium production and authentic English subtitles help accurately convey the emotions of the original novel. It has helped spread Chinese culture and export Chinese games to the world," he added.China has become the world's largest gaming market, surpassing the United States, providing ample business growth opportunities for game developers, according to international data company IDC.The popularity of Black Myth: Wukong has been similar to that of domestic hit films such as The Wandering Earth and Wolf Warrior II, observers said.As the first high-quality domestically produced game comparable to overseas products is launched, many players will spontaneously promote the game, driven by a sense of national pride, thereby forming a positive word-of-mouth effect, according to Founder Securities.Shen Yang, 31, a gamer and an office employee in Beijing, said: "Our generation read Journey to the West when we were young. Black Myth: Wukong gives me a sense of familiarity and national pride, as many visuals in the game are inspired by scenic spots in China. The production is also on a par with top-quality overseas games."文中图片来自图虫创意,转载需获授权。end点击下方卡片,关注长江商学院